Contact us Vitala Group 40 years
International Developers, Managers and Consultants to the Leisure, Tourism and Themed Entertainment Industry


Architectural Golf Design Drawings For:
Turf Grass & Clearing
Subsurface Drainage
Irrigation Systems and Pump Stations
Finish Grading - with Cuts and Fills
Bunkers / Cart Path / Service Roads
Soil erosion and Sediment Control

Construction Schedules & Time Lines
Complete Technical Specifications and Details
Materials and Quantity Schedules
Detailed Construction & Cost Budgets
Construction Management
Greens Contour Detail
Plans with 6" Contours and 3D Renderings

Golf Course Grow In and Maintenance
Consulting Services
Landscape Design
Natural Resources Management Plan
Photo Realistic Computer Model 'Fly Through' of Golf Holes

Our plans are created in various digital formats capable of being reproduced at the client's request.
For further details, please click on our golf designers' link: