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International Developers, Managers and Consultants to the Leisure, Tourism and Themed Entertainment Industry

Corporate America Today

Trans Engineering Zambia


The Silicon Review

The Jakarta Post

Old-age gaming and leisure employees' future prospects and challenges

by By Dr Wolf Vierich, PhD, JD, MBA, FIM, FIH, FTS
Group Chairman – The Vitala Group of Companies
Article published December 2020 in Procity

Akçaabat Turizm Üssü Oluyor

The Vitala Group firmasının yönetim kurulu Başkanı Dr. Wolf Vierich ve beraberindekiler, Akçaabat'ımıza Turizm ile ilgili projeleri sunmak ve diğer projeler ile birlikte çalışmak için Akçaabat Belediye Başkanı Osman Nuri Ekim'i ziyaret ettiler.
Click on this link to access the complete article

On A Mission To Create A Better Global Environment


Old-age gaming and leisure employees' future prospects and challenges by Dr Wolf Vierich, chairman, Vitala Group of Companies.
Article published October 2016 in iNTERGAMING WWW.INTERGAMEONLINE.COM
Click on this link to access the complete article

Joint Ventures and Foreign Representation

Why venture out and what are your options? Dr Wolf Vierich, chairman of the Vitala Group, discusses the key considerations for businesses looking to form joint ventures or to expand into new international markets by Dr Wolf Vierich, chairman, Vitala Group of Companies.
Article published February 2016 in iNTERGAME WWW.INTERGAMEONLINE.COM
Click on this link to access the complete article

Paying for Projects

The dos and don'ts, some golden rules and a plethora of pitfalls to avoid when it comes to project finance by Dr Wolf Vierich, chairman, Vitala Group of Companies.
Article published June 2015 in iNTERGAMING WWW.INTERGAMEONLINE.COM
Click on this link to access the complete article


Vitala Management Services Ltd, a member of the Vitala Group of Companies, wholly owned by Dr Wolf Vierich, has agreed to take a 49% shareholding position in Green Lands BGH.

The proposed developer/ operating company will be Green Lands BGH (holding 51%), a member of the Boudemagh Group of Algeria. They already own and operate various industrial plants/ factories in Algeria.

The project will be a unique, pioneering agricultural and animal development venture, in terms of its scale, complexity, technical innovation and location.

The total land lease concession of 3,500 hectares to be secured for the project is located approx. 760km south east of Algiers, along a 30km stretch adjoining the N56 road, situated approx. 25km north east of Ouargla.

The land lease concession comprises three individual land areas and will be developed as two individual plots.

The project concept is the development of a primary cattle processing facility in conjunction with a reliable self-sufficient crop production operation for forage and of grain supplies, which will ultimately meet the principal dietary requirements of the 4,500 cattle continuously accommodated on site, with excess crops for sale nationally and internationally, as well as the installation of a solar farm to partially meet the energy needs of the whole project, with any surplus capacity being sold to the local electricity grid.

Current project costs estimates are US$ 150.0 – 157.0 million.

Eco resort for Dalat City


More news

Construction work on a new tourist resort in Dalat City, Vietnam, is set to begin early next year. The US$250m (173m euro, £141m) Golden Key Eco Resort will be financed and designed by a partnership between the Vitala Group of Companies and Chia Khoa Vang Tourist Services Development.

Covering a 467 hectare site (1,153 acres), the development will comprise numerous star rated hotel concepts, a rehabilitation resort, an indoor/ outdoor waterpark, a children’s farm, numerous open-air eco leisure facilities, an 18-hole golf course and golf driving range, over 500 villas and a number of low rise condo structures.

Project construction is estimated to commence in May 2009, with a completion date set for late 2011

New Eco & Thermal Resort in Hedervar/Hungary

12 Aug 2009

A complex Eco & Thermal Resort is to be built for 150 million US dollars in Hedervar, Hungary (approximately 30 kilometres away from the Austrian-Hungarian border in Nickelsdorf). The project is scheduled to be completed by 2012. The one-million square kilometre resort (which corresponds to the total surface area of the entire Europa-Park resort) will include a convention hotel with extensive thermal spa water facilities, an 18-hole golf course and a wide range of shopping facilities. A casino license is also being considered. Horseback riding stables, a children’s animal farm, as well as walking, cycling and jogging trails might all be built in an additional expansion area. This ambitious project will be carried out by the Vitala Group based in the west of London, which has already seen through many other hotel projects in the past. (eap)

Vitala Group to invest $ 85 million in Altai project


The company "Altai Flax" will attract as a co-investor of the project for deep processing of flax, implemented by it, the international holding company Vitala Group, said the plant's director Anatoly Popov. "We held talks with the management of the holding and signed a protocol of intent, according to which the amount of Vitala Group's investments in the Altai Flax project will be $ 85 million," Mr. Popov said. The funds will be used to repay more expensive bank loans of the Altai company, to complete the construction of a factory for the production of non-woven materials from flax, and to expand the range of food products. In 2010, the Altai company sold part of the investment program and began to produce flaxseed and oil. Initially, the cost of the whole project was estimated at 680 million rubles.



The municipality of Szentes, while looking for new ways of how to create more employment opportunities and develop the economy, and through its activities to look for international relationships, has come into contact with Mr Zsolt Katos and with The International Project Management Ltd.

It has become possible to build contacts with the Vitala Group, whose chairman visited Szentes in person in August 2011.

In order to carry out projects together, the International Project Managements Ltd., the municipality of Szentes and the Horizont Co., created a joint venture called Szentes Spa and Medical Ltd., managed by Mr Zsolt Katos.

In the framework of a „team site visit” the experts of Vitala Group, coming from 8 different countries, and having 29 years of experience which they obtained through projects in over 80 countries, came to Szentes in order to assess the features as well as its geographic and social conditions, which would make it possible to carry out an integrated touristic investment. This will be based on a medium- and long-term city- touristic strategic plan, which will benefit the city as well as the region and might be followed by an investment with multiple elements.

The several-month expertise assessment will determine –based on feasibility studies from different points of view- what elements of the project can be carried out and financially supported by the Vitala Group.

Szentes, February 16, 2012

Szirbik Imre

Katos Zsolt MD

Mayor of Szentes

Szentes SPA & Medical Ltd.

Vitala Group

eTEA Update

The Vitala Group of Companies to Design Eco & Thermal Resort in Hungary

Vitala has agreed with a group of Local Developers and the Mayor of Hedervar City in Hungary to architecturally design, carry out feasibility studies, develop and project finance an Eco and Thermal Resort Project in that city. The project will be situated on 247 acres, and subject to the marketing feasibility study findings, will include a convention hotel with thermal spa water facilities; 18 hole golf course with all weather indoor/outdoor golf driving range; children and family market leisure facilities; and a casino license is being considered. A further land site of 111 acres may be joined to provide horse riding stables, children’s animal farm; walking/biking and jogging trails.

Project completion is estimated for mid 2012. More information:

Spa and thermal eco project

New Eco & Thermal Resort in Hedervar/ Hungary

A complex Eco & Thermal Resort is to be built for 150 million US dollars in Hedervar, Hungary (approximately 30 kilometres away from the Austrian-Hungarian border in Nickelsdorf). The project is scheduled to be completed by 2012. The one-million square kilometre resort (which corresponds to the total surface area of the entire Europa-Park resort) will include a convention hotel with extensive thermal spa water facilities, an 18-hole golf course and a wide range of shopping facilities. A casino license is also being considered. Horseback riding stables, a children’s animal farm, as well as walking, cycling and jogging trails might all be built in an additional expansion area. This ambitious project will be carried out by the Vitala Group based in the west of London, which has already seen through many other hotel projects in the past.

Environmental protection resort

The Vitala Group has signed a contract with OK Consulting to finance and develop a 100-room hotel, golf course and children's farm in Harkany, Hungary. Including comprehensive spa and wellness facilities, the property will cater to those in search of medical tourism and could serve as the launch pad for a chain of similar projects throughout Hungary and Eastern Europe. Opening is scheduled for the end of 2011.

Contract confirmation - Hungary